Smart forecasts for your Profit & Loss, Cash Flow and Balance

Build fast and durable forecasts

Building and maintaining financial forecasts is complex. As a result, you spend a lot of time building out spreadsheets and fixing errors in your formulas. Liquid takes the complexity out of the process so that you can fully focus on the actual forecasting.

Business logic modelling

Create your forecasts with relatable building blocks like revenue, employees and more.

Rolling (cash flow) Forecasts

Leverage adaptive rolling forecasts to keep your outlook relevant and easy to maintain.

Budget versus actuals

Compare your budget with your evolving actuals and stay on track of any divergence.

Advanced scenario planning

Answer the “What If” question expand your forecast with multiple scenario's.

An integrated dashboard that combines your actuals with your rolling forecast

“Liquid saves us time and is much less prone to error than Excel. I haven't seen this level of detail in forecasting in any other tool.”

Jos van der Meer - Founder of Flanc

Build forecasts, not spreadsheets

Liquid helps you build forecasts that scale well and are easy to maintain. Instead of entering numbers into cells, you create a forecast using smart objects, such as a revenue channel or employee hiring plan. Liquid automatically calculates your Profit & Loss, Cashflow and Balancesheet Forecast in real time.

Revenue and expenses

Track individual revenue flows and expense posts, or use smart series for recurring sales channels and fixed costs.

Liquid automatically accounts for the VAT payments and net payment terms in the forecasts.


Connect Liquid to an HR platform like Nmbrs, build a hiring plan from scratch or see what a single additional hire would do.

Liquid automatically calculates the gross to net salary conversion. It also takes into account things like wage taxes, annual holiday payout, and more.


Model future financing into your forecast by adding equity investments or a variety of loan types.

Liquid calculates both the repayment costs as well as loan interest and includes them in the forecast. This helps you understand the true costs of financing

You don't have to be an Excel superhero to take control of your finances

What if your forecast could survive beyond your current budget cycle?

Forecasts in Excel are often a snapshot, with numbers in cells that seemingly make sense at the time. But a month or two later, you don't remember how the spreadsheet worked, and it's hard to reconcile the forecast with the new figures. Sounds familiar? With Liquid, you create a lasting forecast

Budget vs. actuals

With Liquid's accounting integrations, your new actuals are seamlessly integrated into Liquid's dashboards and reports.

This helps you monitor where you're beating expectations - and where performance is lacking - to make the best decisions moving forward.

Rolling (cashflow) Forecast

Imagine this: business performance last month was disappointing, and there's less cash in the bank than you budgeted. Now what? Liquid automatically adjusts your rolling cashflow forecast to reflect your latest bank statements.

This way, you can look at the runway you'll actually have, not the runway you thought you'd have.

Leverage the power of scenario planning

With Liquid's advanced scenario planning, you can easily add new scenarios that build on your initial forecast. Whether it's to answer a quick "What if" question or build expansive alternative scenario's, the platform enables you to plot multiple potential paths into a single, powerful forecast.

Explore the rest of the Liquid platform

Real-time Insights  ARROW_FORWARDConsolidation  ARROW_FORWARDIntegrations  ARROW_FORWARD