Real-time management reports and dashboards

Liquid provides a clear overview of the data from your accounting software

Accounting software isn't built for financial analysis and deep analysis. As a result, you won't understand the financial health of your business until it's too late. Liquid offers an out-of-the-box solution that connects with your accounting software to provide you real-time insights.

Always up to date

Automatically link and synchronize with your data. Ensure your insights are always up to date

Powerful dashboards

Track over 25 standard KPIs and metrics for P&L, Cashflow and Balancesheet. No additional configuration required.

Cashflow analytics

Track incoming and outgoing cash flows in detail with our advanced Cashflow Analytics options.


Strengthen your cash management with clear insight into your outstanding creditors and debtors.

See how you're doing right now without building reports manually

Analyze the performance, liquidity and health of your business

“Liquid helps us to provide customers with continuous insight, powered by real-time data and beautiful dashboards”

Lars Cramer - Phidra Accountants and Advisors

In-depth cash flow analytics

Cash flow statements are often limited to a high-level overview, because preparing them is a time-consuming process. As a result, you miss crucial insight into your recent cashflow patterns. Liquid offers the most detailed cashflow reporting in the market.

Advanced matching system

Under the hood, Liquid runs a powerful matching algorithm. This allows us to automatically link bank transactions to the associated invoices from the P&L or Cashflow.

Introducing the Direct Method+

Liquid's cash flow reporting uses the Direct Method as a starting point. This means that we build a cashflow report based on bank transactions. Other tools or manual reports that do this stick the top-level categories. But thanks to our advanced matching system, we help you track your cash flows in great detail.

Standard cash flow reporting

All creditors and debtors are lumped together
Only insight into the main cash flows
No distinction in incoming cash flow per customer or sales channel
No distinction in outbound cash flow per supplier or cost category

Liquid's Cash Flow Reporting
(Direct Method+)

A detailed breakdown of the various debtors and creditor groups
Insight into cashflows up to and including the individual invoice
Incoming cash flow separated per ledger
Outgoing cash flow separated per ledger

You don't have to be an excel superhero to take control of your finances.

Other features

Accounts payable & receivable

Liquid provides a clear overview of all outstanding debtors and creditors, including age analysis. This way, you can immediately see how you can improve the company's liquidity.

Access individual invoices

Your report is not only up to the invoice line, but you can even open the underlying PDF documents.

Report exports

Export reports from Liquid as a PDF or XLSX file in the blink of an eye for external reporting requirements.

Explore the rest of the Liquid platform

Forecasting ARROW_FORWARDConsolidation  ARROW_FORWARDIntegrations  ARROW_FORWARD